How Emergency Road Service Coverage Works
Misc. |There is never a good time for roadside emergencies, but they are going to happen. Have some peace of mind and enroll in our emergency roadside services. RNR Tire Express has a complete package that can cover you in any circumstance and be there to assist. Our emergency roadside service is available anywhere in the continental United States. No matter where you are, we will be there. Take a gander at how our emergency road service coverage works and wonder how you ever got by without it. 24-Hour Emergency Roadside and Delivery Service If you break down anywhere, RNR Tire Express will help. You are covered for emergency road service throughout the US and Canada. No matter where you are, a service truck will deliver emergency supplies of gasoline, water, oil, or other necessary supplies. You only pay for the cost of the supplies. 24-Hour Emergency Towing and Battery Service We will dispatch a tow truck to pick up you and your vehicle and deliver both anywhere you want to go. We’ll also boost batteries and perform minor adjustments to alternators, starters, etc., while on the road with our 24-hour emergency battery service. Lost Key or Lockout Service There used to be a time that you could jimmy your lock with a coat hanger or call the police if you locked your keys in the car. Automated locking systems today make things a little different, but don’t worry; we have your back. If your keys are lost, broken, or you accidentally lock yourself out of your vehicle, you will be covered.
Travel Benefits and Trip Routing Service
Nothing is better than getting a deal on something or getting it for free. When you sign up, you will get some sweet perks at a variety of places around the country. Get amazing discounts anywhere you want to travel. Members receive unbeatable travel pricing on hotels, airfare, and rental cars. Put away your GPS and let us plot out your trip. We will, at no charge, produce full-color, wire-bound trip routing for your road trips, including turn-by-turn directions, enhanced mapping for metropolitan areas, points of interest, and fun games for your passengers. Tire Repair and Replacement Service We will cover the costs, up to the posted amount, of repairing or replacing your tires should you experience a flat tire or tire failure from a road hazard. Theft or Hit and Run Protection If your vehicle is stolen or damaged as a result of a hit-and-run accident perpetrated by another driver, we will help recover/repair your car. A $500 reward is offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone responsible for hit-and-run damages or stealing your vehicle. Nitrogen Tire Service One of our signature services is the nitrogen tire service. Inflating and maintaining your tires with nitrogen can dramatically increase your fuel economy, tire life, and safety while reducing your carbon footprint. It gives a smoother ride to your vehicle and doesn’t escape your tire as quickly as normal air will, which keeps your tires inflated longer. Come visit the best tire shop in Beaufort, SC, today. RNR Tire Express has the best wheels and tires on the road for your car or truck.