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You should never take driving safety for granted. Whether you’re a new driver or want to drive safer, check out our driving tips below, which will help keep everyone safe on the road.

Don’t Speed

The first and most obvious rule of safe driving is knowing and obeying the speed limit. Remember that the speed limit is a limit—it’s the fastest a vehicle can travel in ideal road conditions.

In instances where the conditions aren’t ideal, like bad weather (rain, snow, or ice), heavy traffic, or road construction and obstacles, drivers should stay below the speed limit. Driving at slower speeds reduces the risk to your safety and to other drivers as you have better control of your vehicle and more time to react.

Use the Three Second Rule

Many new drivers have a common question: how much space should they leave between their car and the car in front of them? For normal driving in ideal conditions, you should give a three or four-second buffer between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.

The most likely source of a collision is the car in front of you, and without a sufficient buffer, you don’t give yourself and your vehicle enough time to react and brake if needed. While this gap is suitable for normal driving, if road conditions are hazardous, this gap should be much longer.

Do Not Depend on Other Drivers

A driving tip that will help keep everyone safe on the road is to never depend on other drivers. When driving, you should never assume that other drivers on the road will follow all the rules or practice safe driving. You may have the right of way or have a green light, but you shouldn’t assume that a car approaching will stop or slow down when it should.

The other driver could be distracted, oblivious to you, or just a reckless driver. You don’t ever want to put your and your passenger’s safety in the hands of another driver, so always confirm that other drivers are slowing down or stopping before you potentially put your car in danger.

Eliminate Distractions

To drive safely, you need to be able to focus on your car, the road, other cars, traffic signs, and more. A driver can’t do that properly if they’re distracted by their car, passengers, or other things in the vehicle.

Some distractions that drivers should eliminate while driving include:

  • Using phone (calls, texting, apps, or the internet)
  • Eating or drinking
  • Fidgeting with vehicle controls
  • Rubbernecking
  • Reaching for items throughout the car
  • Passing items to other passengers

Before starting your drive, silence your phone, ensure all the vehicle settings are set to your preference, and use voice controls for your car while driving if applicable.

Quality tires are also crucial to safe driving! If you need new tires, stop by RNR Tire Express’s tire shop in Lubbock or any other of our shops nationwide. We’ll ensure your car has the tires you need to drive safely.

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