5 Things to Keep in Mind When Maintaining Your Tires
Maintenance |Driving is one of the riskiest and most dangerous things we do. Ironically, we do it without paying it much thought. A lot comes into play to ensure that your vehicle doesn’t veer off the road. One of these factors, and arguably the most important, is the tire set you’re using on your car. These few tips will help you keep them in good shape.
- Check the Tire Pressure Regularly
Studies show that tires, on average, lose one pound per square inch of air per month. During the winter, they can lose even more air than this. Therefore, it’s important to check their pressure regularly. Ideally, you should do this at least once every month. Driving a vehicle with under-inflated tires can be incredibly dangerous. Most tire-related road accidents happen because they aren’t properly inflated. Such tires make it harder to handle and control your vehicle and may be more susceptible to premature wearing out of treads. Checking the air pressure every month helps you make sure they are well inflated and will help you save lots of money in repairing or replacing them due to unexpected blowouts.
- Rotate Your Tires
To get the maximum life out of your tire set and to ensure the treads wear out evenly, it’s crucial to rotate them regularly. It’s recommended to do this rotation exercise every 6000 to 8000 miles. The typical tire and wheel shops offer free rotations if you purchase from them, but, either way, this procedure is rather affordable. Rotating your tires will ensure your treads get worn evenly, and this will make them last longer.
- Inspect Your Tires Regularly
While washing your car or checking your tire pressure, you should conduct a thorough physical examination. During this inspection, you should look out for cracks and bulges, alien objects and punctures. These inspections are even more crucial before long road trips. You don’t want to get caught in a tire emergency in the middle of nowhere. However, if you do experience any wheel trouble in the middle of your trip, make sure to call a professional in the area to help you deal with the problem.
- Make Sure Not to Overload Your Vehicle
Whatever weight you put onto your vehicle is directed onto your wheels. Most vehicles have placards right on the driver’s door frame that intimates how much weight your vehicle can comfortably handle. Make sure not to exceed this value. Putting too much weight on your tires will ultimately affect how they wear and will also dramatically change how your vehicle handles.
- Do Not Install Different Tires
If ever you buy cheap tires from a second-hand tire store, you need to make sure they are of the same make, size and have reasonably similar tread wear. Driving on mismatched tires negatively affects the handling of your car and causes unusual wear on the rest of your wheels and other vehicle components. You shouldn’t install only one new tire at a time – you should always buy at least two, and make sure to use them in the rear. Putting new tires in the back will prove to be a smart decision when you’re driving your car on wet, slippery roads. Having them in front of the car under such conditions may cause a spin-out. The Rundown All car owners need to ensure that their tires are well taken care of and maintained. This will keep you from having to repair and replace them unnecessarily and will help you save money in the long run. You should check your tire pressure at least once every month, conduct physical inspections, carry the recommended load, and ensure you never install mismatched tires. This will help them last much longer and will give you the most value for your money.