How to Check Your Car’s Tire Pressure
Tires |Everyone knows that you shouldn’t drive around on a flat tire. But did you know that you shouldn’t drive on underinflated tires? Driving your car or truck on underinflated tires will affect the performance of the vehicle, reduce gas mileage, and increase the chances of a flat tire. Don’t take any chances; learn how to check your car’s tire pressure.
Reach out and Touch It
This isn’t a very scientific way to check, but it’s still effective. The tires are probably dirty, but it’s okay; don’t be afraid to reach out and touch them and test them with your hand or foot to confirm. Push on it, and if it feels soft, then it’s underinflated. Tires that feel low are dangerously low.
Get a Tire Gauge
A standard tire gauge is the best way to check your car’s tire pressure. They are small and easy to operate. Go to any auto parts or hardware store and buy one. When you check the tires, check them cold before you drive. If you have already driven, then wait three hours before checking, which will give a more accurate reading. Locate the valve stem on the tire and remove the cap. Place the open end of the gauge on the valve stem and ensure it makes good contact so that no air escapes. If air is leaking between the two contact points, you will hear it. Take it off and try again. Once good contact is established, the gauge will pop out and tell you the pounds per square inch (PSI). Compare the measured PSI to the recommended amount for the tire. The maximum amount of air the tire should hold is written on the side of it. If the tire is low, gradually add air until you reach the desired PSI. Stop in at RNR Tire Express today for a new set of wheels and tires. In Charleston, SC, we are your hometown shop that will treat you like family.