Important Upgrades That Increase the Safety of Your Car
Safety Tips |We all want to be safe when we get behind the wheel—or into the passenger seat—of a car. Every time you do, you run the risk of getting into an accident. In 2018, the National Safety Council estimates that 38,800 people lost their lives in traffic accidents. You need to take everyone else on the road into account, not just your own driving. Accidents happen, so it’s important to mitigate the risks when on the road. There are steps you can take and changes you can make to your car or truck to increase your safety and stay protected. Here are some important upgrades that increase the safety of your car. Install one or all of them before you hit the road again.
Blind-Spot Warning System
The first thing we are all taught in driver’s education is that every vehicle has blind spots. These are places around your car that you can’t see with the mirrors. To see these blind spots means turning your head and/or body to look behind you. Manufacturers are now making blind-spot detection systems that warn you if another car is in yours. A series of sensors positioned on your car will notify you via lights or sounds if you start to change lanes and a car is in your blind spot. They are a good way to avoid an accident at high speeds.
Better Tires
While you may not realize it, tires are one of the most important things on your car. Bad tires with worn-down treads are a great way to get into an accident. Bald tires on wet pavement will send you careening into a skid or hydroplane. Do some research to find the best all-around tire for all kinds of weather, and then buy four. Check the air pressure in your tires and monitor them for wear monthly.
Deer Whistles
If you live in a rural area, deer and other animals are just part of life. Deer can jump out of the brush in an instant, so install deer whistles on the front bumper of your car to keep them away from you. When the car is in motion, the whistles turn and create a high-frequency noise that humans can’t hear, and deer can’t stand. They will keep you safe by repelling wildlife.
Better Brake Pads
Stopping your vehicle quickly is important. You can’t do that with shoddy or worn brake pads. The next time you need to replace yours, get the good ones. It’s something you never think about until you really need it. There are lots of different kinds made from ceramics and alloys, so ask your mechanic which is best or research it on your own. If money is tight, find somewhere else to cut corners—don’t do it with your safety. If you’re looking for the best tire shop in Florence, SC, come into RNR Tire Express. We have tires for all makes and models.