Car Emergencies: 5 Essentials You Should Have in Your Car
Safety Tips |There are some things that everyone should keep in their vehicle to ensure driver and passenger safety during emergencies. If you own a car, you should have these essentials in case of emergencies.
Jumper Cables
If there’s one thing everyone should keep in their vehicle, it’s jumper cables. One of the most common problems people have with their cars is the battery failing, but a pair of jumper cables can save the day with minimal effort.
A dead battery is easy to fix. Hook up the jumper cables to another running car, and it should be ready in just a few minutes. Jumper cables are inexpensive and can be found at auto parts shops and many retail stores.
Spare Tire and Tire Repair Kit
First, you should double-check that your vehicle has a spare tire somewhere. If it does, ensure you’ve got the necessary tools to change or fix a tire. A tire repair kit is worth keeping in your car to repair tires with minor leaks instead of changing the entire tire.
Within your spare tire and tire repair kit, you should have the following:
- A tire jack
- A plug wrench
- Pliers
- Tire sealant
- Compressed air
If you ever get a flat tire or blowout in Laredo, Texas, stop by our tire shop in Laredo to pick out some new, high-quality tires for your car.
First Aid Kit
One of the essentials everyone should have in their car for emergencies is a first aid kit. If you ever get into an accident or collision, a first aid kit could be the difference between suffering serious injuries and quickly getting needed medical treatment.
Within a first aid kit, you’ll find the critical supplies and tools for providing potentially life-saving medical treatment, such as a tourniquet and bandages. Plus, these kits are convenient for treating even small cuts and bruises with band-aids and hydrogen peroxide.
Water and Non-Perishable Food
Even if you don’t think you will ever be stranded for a long time, keeping some water and non-perishable food in your vehicle for emergencies is always wise. You never know when circumstances may arise where you’re stranded or lost and must wait hours or even days for help.
In those cases, you’ll be glad you packed some water and snacks to hold you over. You don’t need a buffet, but nutrient-rich foods like energy bars, trail mix, and meat jerky will give you energy while you wait for help.
Phone Charger
Our phones are integral parts of our lives now, and can be the difference between being stranded on the side of the road and calling for help. If your car is dead, you won’t be able to charge your phone, which is why you should keep a portable phone charger in the vehicle, just in case.
Portable chargers are affordable and hold their charge for a long time, so you only have to charge them a couple of times a year.