The Difference Between Wheels and Rims Explained
Tires |Given how complex motor vehicles are, it’s understandable that not everyone would be able to label each and every single part of one. Cars have tons of components, both large and small, and not everyone is extremely well versed in their construction. For example, many people use “wheel” and “rim” interchangeably. While there are arguments you can make in favor of this, we’re going to explain the difference between wheels and rims.
What Does “Wheel” Refer To?
The wheel itself refers to the entire structure that makes up the wheel. When we call something a wheel, we’re referring to everything that makes it up. This includes various parts, such as the rim, the tire, the bolts, the barrel, and everything else within the wheel’s structure.
The confusion comes from some people using the word “wheel” to talk about specific components of the wheel. However, it’s the umbrella term for everything within the circular structures that touch your car and the road. Therefore, we shouldn’t use it when we’re talking about the smaller components that make up the wheel.
What Does “Rim” Refer To?
To understand the difference between wheels and rims, you must know what part of the wheel the rim refers to. The rim is the part of the wheel that the tire surrounds. Your tires attach to your wheel structures via your rims. Without a rim, the tire wouldn’t actually connect to the wheel as a whole in any meaningful way.
Because the rim is what you tend to look at when you look at a wheel (since it’s the center part), you may easily mistake the words for one another. You can switch default rims with custom rims that have unique designs or materials. But their main job stays the same—they secure the tires to the wheels overall.
When To Use One or the Other
Using the word “wheel” is the safer bet when you’re talking about that section of the car. As you’ve learned, it’s a much broader term that encompasses the entire structure. If you want to change the aesthetics of your wheels, then you can use the word “rim” to describe the specific part you’re swapping out.
If you need to know anything else about your car’s wheels or tires, or you’re just looking for tires in Clovis, RNR Tire Express can provide whatever you need. We’re happy to help our customers come to understand their vehicles more than ever before.