The Different Types of Filler for Passenger Tires
Maintenance |Tire fillers play a crucial role in a tire’s overall functioning and performance. However, it’s important to note that not all tire fillers are the same, and some are better than others depending on the situation. These are some of the different types of filler for passenger tires.
The Importance of Tire Fillers
A tire’s filler is the part that rests along its inner supporting wires. These components are responsible for reinforcing the exterior rubber casing of the tire, and they also make the material harder to puncture. This is essential for increasing a model’s overall lifespan and ensuring maximum performance when driving. They also add additional cushion to protect the tire beads from breaking under excessive force.
Types of Tire Fillers
Now that we’ve established why tire fillers are important, we can get into their material. These are two of the most common types of filler for passenger tires.
Carbon Black
Carbon black is a powder-like material produced from the combustion of heavy petroleum substances such as tar. Its chemical properties help solidify rubber compounds and make them more resistant to impacts. It’s highly effective at improving a tire’s protection against wear and abrasions. As a result, tires are likely to see increased performance and a longer lifespan.
Amorphous Precipitated Silica
Silica, on the other hand, is a white powder created from the precipitation process of silicate salt solutions. It also has a strengthening effect on rubber compounds and provides tires with much of the same benefits as carbon black. However, it has the additional effect of reducing a tire’s overall rolling resistance—making this the more eco-friendly option. Don’t purchase your next set of vehicle tires without knowing what you’re getting. At RNR Tire Express, we make it a point to keep our customers informed. If you need new tires in Raleigh, NC, you will receive a detailed description of their manufacturing—including their components. This way, you know you’re getting the right model for your car.