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While there’s a lot of talk about the future of the automotive industry and the inventions that seem right around the corner, don’t overlook how important tires are. Below, we offer a brief glimpse at the future of tire technology with some innovations to look out for that could be here sooner rather than later.

Airless Tires

The biggest concern for drivers is the air in their tires. The last thing any driver wants is to get stranded with a punctured, flat tire, but what if that wasn’t even a possibility for your tires?

That future may be coming sooner rather than later, as airless tires are an innovation that many of the biggest tire manufacturers are working on as we speak. Instead of air in the tires, a honeycomb, crystalline, or other type of spoke pattern would give the tire its structure below the tread. This innovation would make tires more durable and safer.

Sustainable, Non-Rubber Tires

A downside to traditional vehicle tires is they’re not environmentally friendly. It takes years for a rubber plant to produce the raw rubber needed to make the tire, and when they’re discarded, they become significant burdens for landfills and the environment.

That’s why tire manufacturers are already tinkering with creating tires made from more eco-friendly materials, like 3D-printed materials. 3D-printed tires would offer many advantages—particularly in lowering the emissions needed to create tire material and making them more biodegradable.

Smart Tires

Practically everything on modern vehicles is smart these days, with the only component left being the tires. That’s likely to change soon, as tire manufacturers are developing many different kinds of smart tires.

These advanced tires would come with more sensors that can collect real-time data on things like tread wear to warn drivers when it’s time for a rotation or tire replacement. Of the innovations to look out for, smart tires are certainly a significant part of the future of tire technology—one we’re likely to see sooner rather than later.

Electric Charging Tires

Many in the automotive industry will tell you that the future is in electric cars, and that future even includes the tires. Sensing the importance of electric vehicle technology, Goodyear recently developed a prototype tire that generates electricity for electric cars.

The tire features an innovative pattern that converts the heat buildup of the tread into a charge for the vehicle. If such technology became mainstream and conventional, it could mean electric cars could travel significantly longer than they do now—perhaps indefinitely!

Where To Get Tires in Laredo

While we’re waiting for these incredible innovations to hit the market, RNR Tire Express still offers the most advanced and useful tires available today. If you’re in need of tires in Laredo, we can help! Browse our inventory online and book an appointment to get new tires for your car today.

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