Three Benefits of Rent-To-Own Wheels
Wheels |Few things on a car or truck are more important than its wheels. From stability to propulsion to traction, a car or truck cannot function without wheels. Older tires can struggle to provide traction and stability. With worn tread and reduced capacity for grip, these can be unreliable and dangerous. Accidents that resulted from worn tires caused over 700 fatalities in 2017. There’s no doubt about it, maintaining your tires is one of the most important things you can do for your car or truck. There is not much that will prevent tires from wearing down: they’re rubber that’s being rolled along hard roads daily. Of course, some wheels will last longer than others, but all tires wear down eventually. It’s important to be aware of the condition of your tires, and replace them when necessary. However, replacing tires can be expensive. It can cost from $100 to $350 per wheel, depending on the type of car or truck you drive. It can cost as much as $1400 to outfit your ride with new rubber. But with so much riding on them – the investment you’ve made in your vehicle, your safety, the safety of your family – what are your options? Many of us don’t have the budget for such a steep upfront cost. Is there a better way? Rent to own wheels and tires may be that better way. Tire dealers, either well established or new to the industry, are getting into the business of selling quality tires on monthly rent-to-own plans with low down payments and manageable payments. If your tires are in poor condition and need to be replaced in order to keep you and your family safe, or if you just want to upgrade, rent-to-own tires may be a good option for you. Here are three benefits of using a rent-to-own dealer for your car or truck’s new wheels.
Flexible Payment Options
Rent-to-own programs work exactly as you might guess. You pay weekly or monthly, depending on the dealer and conditions, for a fixed amount of time, and then own the new tires at the end of the term. Of course, with rent-to-own dealers, you have the option of paying for the new tires outright, or paying off the tires before the end of the term.
No Credit Check Required
Financing anything, from appliances to new cars, can be a tedious process with no guarantees of success. With rent-to-own programs, you’re approved quickly without a credit check. You can have new wheels in a minimum amount of time and with minimum hassle. And for those who are building or rebuilding our credit, rent-to-own programs are a great tool for establishing and repairing credit scores.
Rent-to-own programs are great for customers who want to add custom wheels, rims, or tires to their car or truck, or who wish to upgrade from tires that are in good condition but don’t meet their driving or recreational needs. It can be a prohibitive expense when the upgrade or customization isn’t essential, and difficult to justify the cost. With low down payments, low monthly payments, and flexibility, changing wheels can be easy. And with many rent-to-own dealers offering limited money-back guarantees, there can be very little risk and high reward. Many of the things that we need or want, especially major purchases, can be difficult to fit into a budget. Tires sometimes fall to the bottom of priority lists. But you no longer have to sacrifice safety. Rent-to-own programs offer you the flexibility you need to keep high-performing wheels on your car or truck at all times.