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Let’s be honest—going to the airport isn’t fun. There are few redeeming qualities about air travel. Admittedly, there are instances where you have no other choice. Until they build a bridge the reaches from NYC to Paris, you will have to fly to Europe. You can always take a boat, but who wants to cross the ocean over the span of three weeks? Anyone? There are many reasons why road trips are better than flying. We will touch on a few of them here.

You Get to See the Country

For the first ten minutes of most flights, you can see the city below. If you are flying on a cloudy day, you can shorten that view to about two minutes. When you are driving to your destination, you get to see the countryside and the towns as you pass by them. You can see what this great country is made of and the landscapes that we take for granted.

There Are New Places to Discover

From the road, you can find new places, attractions, and foods you’ve never discovered. Driving keeps you in touch with the natural world and puts you right in the middle of life. Airplanes steal all that from you in the name of speed and convenience. Slow the world down for a couple of days and explore. Find new local restaurants that aren’t in the guidebook, meet some locals, and stay at an unconventional hotel for even more memories.

The Time Is Better Spent

An airplane ride is more like a long nap. Lots of travelers get on the plane in what can only be described as pajamas, put on their earbuds, and knock off for the duration. The time on a flight is spent passing the time, not experiencing it. When in the car, you can stop at those roadside joints and see the sights. The time is spent with the people in the car with you and you are engaged with each other. Epic stories come from road trips—only misery and smells come from flights.

A Lot Less Hassle

As previously mentioned, going to the airport and flying is a miserable experience. It’s advised that you get to the airport two hours ahead of your flight, spend that time waiting to get through security, then you hangout and wait. Then, they start boarding the flight and you wait in line. Finally, you’re on the plane and you wait for takeoff. Waiting, waiting, and waiting describes the airport experience. Instead, pack a bag, jump in the car, and take off. Go as fast or as slow as you like and make the trip last longer if you’re having a good time. You are in control on a road trip. Before you hit the road, visit our tire store in Augusta, GA, to put some new tires on the car.

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